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Our Approach: Text



We don't try to get children to fit a mold.  We mold the education to the child.  We ask the impactful questions for every child:  What would be beneficial to this learner?  What do we need to do to teach this?  What can we advance in the opportunities, instruction, experiences, and technology to which our learners have access?  We focus on 'why to do things' over 'how to do things' and lessons evolve.  We incorporate methods and techniques that are rich and accommodating for all learners, and then further individualize our approach to meet the needs of a particular learner.  At Rede, children enjoy the endless opportunities to access the possibilities.




We build relationships with each child so that we can learn a child's interests and aptitudes and directly engage those areas.  Education at Rede is learner-centered so children understand how new knowledge solves a problem or adds value.  Our curriculum provides educators with a blueprint for what concepts and skills need to be covered and educators customize the what (focus of content), why (relevance), and how (what the learners enjoy doing). Co-teaching and low learner-educator ratio allow for individual attention. Activities are designed and routines adjusted in response to the particular strengths, challenges, and passions of children as individuals. Our multi-age, three-year cycle was inspired by Dr. Maria Montessori (as an independent private academy, we have the freedom to implement an amalgam of the best education practices from around the world) allows children to get deeply comfortable and allows educators to really get to know each child. Educators are in tune with each learner as well as the group as they grow and evolve together.  




Our learning climate has a rhythm - a nurturing balance between group and individual activities, indoor and outdoor classrooms, engaging energy as well as resting, and a sense of time that feels generous and responsive so children can invest deeply in what they are doing and attend to their personal needs and rhythms. The environment fosters positive identity, anti-biased perspective, and positive peer relationships in addition to real world application of content and experiential learning. And, we provide flexibility in the ways learners access material, engage, and showcase what they know. Rede offers a close-knit community where children can be children and where diversity and inclusion are essential.   




The campus offers oversized classrooms (we refer to them as studios - a space where creative minds go to work) filled with natural light, a multi-activity/fitness court, an organic garden, and plenty of outdoor space to explore and play. Children have the flexibility to move, engage their energy, take breaks and utilize the space to learn where and how they are most comfortable. Interior designs are warm and joyful, uncluttered and interesting, and comfortably dynamic with deliberate aesthetics that create positive spaces to nurture intellectual, emotional, social, physical, artistic, and creative potential. Learners enjoy flexibility and agency in a way that fosters growth and the development of their own perspectives.

Our Approach: What's Happening
Secondary Entrance

"If we teach today's students as we taught yesterday's, we rob them of tomorrow."
- John Dewey

Our Approach: Image

©2021 Rede Academy

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